TRIOS 3Shape Scanning
At O’Keeffe Orthodontics, we believe in our patients comfort and convenience which is why we are proud to announce the addition of 3D digital scanning in our office.
There are many key advantages to the 3D scanning when working with our orthodontist and both Win Lingual braces and Invisalign clear aligner braces.
What are the advantages of 3D scanning
- Visualization
3D scanning allows us to provide a virtual tour of what your case will look like at completion. This gives the patient a much better understanding of their treatment plan. - Accuracy
The Trios 3Shape 3D scanning system is precise resulting in better fitting braces. - Comfort
Gone are the days of needing to subject patients to goopy impressions with alginate.
First, your comfort! Patients no longer have to endure the gooey mess that is required when impressions of teeth are taken. You simply get to sit back and relax while the ergonomically designed scanning wand is placed in your mouth and a 3D image is generated.
The technology is so precise that often times this leads to more successful orthodontic cases and outcomes because the 3D rendering of your teeth is very accurate allowing for well fitting braces throughout your orthodontic treatment plan.
Also patients love that they don’t need to take multiple impressions with the tacky alginate impression material.
One of the wonderful features of 3D scanning technology is that you get to see what your smile will look like at the end of the Invisalign treatment plan. This is truly a great feature of the system and is one of the reasons why we invested in the technology for our patients. It allows us to help you better visualize the results at the outset of treatment and gives you that much more reason to work with the Invisalign system.