Meet with Dr Con O’Keeffe or Dr Mary O’Keeffe

When you or your dentist decide an orthodontic consultation is advisable, please contact our office and an appointment will be given to you quickly.

After taking the necessary records i.e. history, digital xrays, photographs, and examination, Dr O’Keeffe can determine the nature of your problem and advise regarding the long term orthodontic need for you or your child.

At this visit, one of three outcomes will be determined:

  • No treatment required
  • Treatment required now
  • Treatment required but in the case of a child should be delayed for a period until further growth and eruption of teeth takes place . In the case of an adult patient, other dental treatment with your own dentist may be required prior to commencing orthodontic treatment

At the consultation, Dr O’Keeffe will outline the type of treatment required, the various appliance (brace) options, how long the treatment will take and the costs involved with a payment plan over the following eighteen months.

A consultation appointment takes approximately 1 hour and costs €100.

+353 51 879 227
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