Removable & Bonded Retainers Waterford
Following orthodontic treatment it is necessary to wear retainers immediately to prevent unwanted movement as everything in our bodies changes with time.
Retainers may be fixed and worn indefinitely requiring meticulous oral hygiene. Fixed retainers are made from stainless wire and bonded on the inside of the upper and lower front teeth.
Six monthly check ups with your own dentist is recommended as is the use of super floss on a daily basis. Poor oral hygiene and neglect of bonded retainers leads to gum disease and tooth decay.
Removable Retainers
Retainers can also be removable and are usually worn full time for six months after the fixed braces are removed and nights only for a further indefinite period.
It is important that you remove the retainers several times per day when you brush your teeth and also clean your brace with a toothbrush and water.